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Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 concluded in success Diverse and vibrant activities showcased the value of engineering profession Nurturing the young generation to inherit responsibility of urban development

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Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition concludes in success

Deepen exchange and showcase innovation and team spirit

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Hong Kong Engineers Week 2024 Career Fairs Deepening students' interest in engineering and learning about future development opportunities

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Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival concluded in success

Primary school students design their "Dream City" to unleash creativity and cultivate interest in engineering

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Exciting Activities at Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival Creates a Great Atmosphere for the Weekend

Winner of “Our Future Engineers” Quiz Competition Announced

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Hong Kong Engineers Week Carnival kicks off at West Kowloon Cultural District

The three-day flagship event features over 45 game booths showcasing the engineering profession

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“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest

“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest is to stimulate students’ creativity and cultivate a spirit of teamwork through the competition, enhance...

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Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tertiary Institution Innovation Project Invitational Competition Briefing Session was successfully held at...

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“Our Dream City” Primary Student Design Contest

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers' Engineers Week 2024 'Our Dream City' Student Design Competition aims to inspire students' creativity ...

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Engineer Alliance is Open to Application

Engineer Alliance is Now Open to Application! We welcome the Young and Energetic engineering professions with 2+ years working experiences...

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